HashKey Exchange, Hong Kong's Largest Licensed Virtual Asset Exchange, Partners with Global Leading Crypto Market Maker B2C2

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March 10, 2025

HashKey Exchange, Hong Kong’s largest* licensed virtualasset platform, is proud to announce a partnership with B2C2, a global leader in institutional liquidity for digital assets. This collaboration will ntegrate multi-currency fiat trading networks, driving market efficiency andfurther solidifying Hong Kong’s status as a premier hub for regulated virtual asset trading.

Both HashKey Exchange and B2C2 share a deep-rooted commitment to regulatory excellence. Founded in 2015, B2C2 is one of the largest providers of institutional liquidity for digital assets, supporting the market with stable and consistent pricing, credit and payment services.Majority-owned and backed by Japanese financial conglomerate, SBI, the firm provides pricing across all market conditions and major crypto and fiat currencies. With a global presence spanning the UK, US, Japan, Singapore,France and Luxembourg, B2C2 employs institutional-grade compliance and risk management practices, working closely with regulators and trade associations globally so institutional investors can navigate the market with confidence.

This partnership marks a significant milestone forHashKey Exchange in expanding institutional access to the digital assets market in Asia-Pacific. HashKey Exchange has obtained regulatory approvals from theHong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), holding a Type 1 (Dealing inSecurities) license, a Type 7 (Providing Automated Trading Services) license under the Securities and Futures Ordinance and a virtual asset trading platform operator license under the Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance.

HashKey Exchange BG Co-Chief Executive Officer,  Haiyang Ru commented:
"B2C2's liquidity infrastructure will play a key role in fostering a more open and trusted digital finance ecosystem. This collaboration underscores our alignment with Hong Kong’s strategic vision for the future of virtual assets."

David Rogers, APAC CEO at B2C2, stated: “We are seeing exciting growth in the APAC digital assets market. Increasing regulatory clarity has encouraged greater interest from institutional investors, as well as the establishment of well-regulated, licensed trading venues to serve them. As a leading global liquidity provider, we’re proud to partner with HashKey Exchange and to support the growth of a resilient and sustainable digital assets ecosystem in Asia-Pacific.”

*As of January 15, 2025,HashKey Exchange ranks seventh on CoinGecko’s global exchange list and is the highest-ranked licensed virtual asset exchange in Hong Kong.

About B2C2

B2C2 is a global leader in institutional liquidity for digitalassets. Founded in 2015, B2C2 are trusted by blue chip hedge funds,institutional managers, brokers, crypto exchanges, and crypto foundations. B2C2provide deep, reliable liquidity and pricing in crypto, delivering seamlessexecution 24/7/365. Majority owned and backed by Japanese financial servicesfirm, SBI, B2C2 Ltd is headquartered in the UK, with offices in the US, Japan,Singapore, France and Luxembourg.

B2C2 Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number07995888 with its registered office at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.B2C2 Ltd is the parent company of the B2C2 group of companies. Products may beprovided by different members of the B2C2 group of companies, depending on thejurisdiction of the client and the regulatory status of the product and/or B2C2group member. B2C2 is a registered trademark.


About HashKey Exchange

On a mission to set the bar for virtual asset exchanges incompliance, safety, and security, HashKey Exchange (HBL) is a licensed virtualasset exchange in Hong Kong. HashKey Exchange has received approval from theSecurities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong to operate a virtual assettrading platform under Type 1 (Dealing in securities) licence, Type 7(Providing automated trading services) licence and Anti-Money Laundering andCounter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (AMLO) licence. As HashKey Group'sflagship exchange business, HashKey Exchange provides trading services for bothprofessional investors (PI) and retail investors. HashKey Exchange has obtainedISO 27001 (Information Security) and ISO 27701 (Data Privacy) management systemcertifications. HashKey Exchange does not service users from Mainland China,the United States and certain other jurisdictions in compliance with laws andregulations. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and FuturesCommission of Hong Kong or any other regulator.

Stay tuned for more details about HashKey Exchange. Follow us onTwitter and LinkedIn. For media enquiries and more information, please contact:Yvonne Wang, Senior PR Manager at HashKey Exchange yvonne.wang@hashkey.com

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About B2C2

More than just a liquidity provider, B2C2 is a digital asset pioneer building the ecosystem of the future.

The firm has unlocked institutional access to crypto by providing reliable liquidity across market conditions. B2C2’s success is built on crypto native technology and continuous product innovation, making it the partner of choice for diverse institutions globally.

Founded in 2015 and majority owned by Japanese financial group, SBI, B2C2 Ltd is headquartered in the UK, with offices in the US and Japan.

B2C2 Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 07995888 with its registered office at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.  B2C2 Ltd is the parent company of the B2C2 group of companies. Products may be provided by different members of the B2C2 group of companies, depending on the jurisdiction of the client and the regulatory status of the product and/or B2C2 group member. B2C2 is a registered trademark.

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